Monday, July 31, 2017

First blog ever /motivation

   Hello my name is Wendy I am a stay-at-home mom, 35 years old, I have three kids (13,11,10) and have been trying to lose weight for a good four years. I have tried some diets like Herbalife, paleo, Adkins, cabbage soup, special k, eating nothing but eggs ,protein, veggies and fruit (that one lasted a whole week)

   And when I'm on them I lose weight.  But you know how it goes... you get tired of dieting... then you get tired of trying and you go back to your old ways.  I've had a lot of physical problems that have kept me from losing weight.  I have a spine of a sixty-year-old, fibromyalgia, and chronic foot pain and bad knees. So those things do factor-in sometimes I'm in a lot of pain other times I'm fine and nothing to worry about. It feels like when I actually motivate myself and start pushing my body farther than I start to break down.

   Right now I have had no motivation whatsoever it's summer I have been just doing whatever I want and eating whatever I want. Gained 6 lb back. I am 4 foot 11 and a half and right now I weigh 160 my lowest weight I ever was was 105 to 110 before kids. My goal is not to get down that far my goal is more 120 -130. Honestly my goal is also just to not have to try on 30 things just to find one thing that fits. I'm not trying to be skinny again I'm trying to be healthier I have been having health problems because of being overweight that I would like to just get done or not have again. Such as acid reflux, IBS, and frankly back problems I probably would not have be in so much pain if I could lose some weight. Frankly I'm not motivated right now but I'm hoping doing this blog will keep me more accountable and getting back into working out and eating better.

  I'm a pretty good cook and like to eat the things I make I am learning how to cook healthier but you know you still like junk food or you know pasta or something chocolaty ..... so hopefully this helps with being more disciplined when I am disciplined I lose weight but then I'm kind of miserable and my husband begs me to eat carbs again because I'm really grumpy LOL.

   The heaviest I ever was was 179 lbs for a person who's not even 5 ft that's pretty bad I never even gained weight too much during pregnancies it was literally after pregnancies just trying to survive I had three babies and three years and I had two kids in diapers and no sleep for two years and that's when I started really gaining weight. Now my last baby is 10 years old and I have no more excuse. I did Herbalife. It worked well for me but then my stomach became sensitive to Soy, I had a lot less pain and realized that if I can eat protein everyday I can keep my pain levels down with fibromyalgia. Right now I'm not in so much pain because I've been actually able to sit down relax this summer but usually during school year and winter I'm always in pain, my joints hurt. Herbalife helped me lose 25 lb. And Adkins did help me lose 13 pounds in 3 weeks. I went from extra large to medium clothe size. Now I am back up to 160 when I was 154 couple months ago and I need to just try to start thinking about what I put into my body again. Does anyone else struggle like this or you do really well but then you get tired of it? And then you do what you want and then you don't lose weight? This is my story hopefully it helps encourage someone that struggles are real and life gets in the way. Feel free to comment please be nice LOL

First blog ever /motivation

   Hello my name is Wendy I am a stay-at-home mom, 35 years old, I have three kids (13,11,10) and have been trying to lose weight for a good...